Before Your Appointment

Thoroughly wash the body area to be treated.

Avoid applying anything (lotions, makeup, etc.) to the area being treated. There is less risk of irritation when the skin being treated does not have deodorant, lotions, or makeup on it.

Drink extra water -- both the day of and during the week prior to your appointment and avoid caffeine the day of your appointment.  The more hydrated your skin is, the better.

In some clients, diet can affect sensitivity.  Avoid stimulants like caffeine, chocolate and sugar on the day of your appointment.

Female clients find they are more sensitive just before or during their menstrual cycle and may want to avoid scheduling appointments during that time.

Some clients have found that taking a pain reliever 30 minutes prior to their appointment makes their treatment more comfortable.

There are many topical creams that are available either with or without a prescription.  EMLA (by prescription) and LMX (non-prescription) are popular. Most creams should be applied approximately an hour before treatment. Apply generously. 

Try to relax prior to your appointment.

Home Care After Treatment

Keep the treated area clean.  Do not apply makeup, lotions or deodorants for at least 24 hours after your treatment.

Some people find applying an ice pack to the area immediately after treatment is soothing.

Do not exfoliate the treated area for 48 hours after treatment.  Don’t use any heavy creams or any type of AHA (alpha-hydroxy) or similar product for 48 hours after treatment and use caution prior to treatment.

  1. Do not touch or scratch the area. Clean the area three to four times per day with witch hazel, rubbing alcohol 70%, toner for sensitive skin, or an antiseptic such as Bactine.  Aloe vera gel can also be applied, and in some clients, promotes faster healing.

Try to avoid activities that would promote excessive perspiration (which can occasionally cause a minor infection by allowing bacteria to enter the open follicles.)

Hot tubs, swimming pools and saunas should be avoided for 72 hours after treatment. Avoid sun exposure.



Most hairs will need more than one treatment.  There will be a constant, gradual decrease in the growth of hair in the treated area until it has all been permanently removed.  The amount of treatment required to achieve permanent hair removal in an area differs with each person and area.  Consistency is the key to success.

Achieving your goal of permanent hair removal is very important to me.  And working together, we can do it.