Electrolysis permanently eliminates unwanted hair from most areas of your body -- regardless of skin or hair type

Unwanted hair is a problem for many men and women and the distress it can cause is vastly underestimated.  Electrolysis works on all skin and hair types.  It can be applied to most facial and body parts, including eyebrows, chin, upper and lower lip, jaw line and sides of the face, breast, underarms, abdomen, bikini line, feet, legs, and back.  Based on a personal and confidential consultation, your electrologist will design a treatment plan that addresses your specific hair removal needs.  And there's a bonus!  Electrolysis will help to ease the problems of ingrown hairs and shadowing.  No more razor burn or skin reactions to the harsh chemicals of depilatories!



Many men who feel they have too much hair seek electrolysis treatment.  Even without an excess amount of hair, electrolysis is frequently used for eyebrow shaping (as well as underarms, groin, arms and legs, lower back and buttocks).  Men also receive treatments on their outer ears, eyebrows, beard, chests, and backs.

All areas of the face (beard/cheek area, neck, nape, eyebrows, chin, outer ears, etc.) and most body areas (chest, back, shoulders, stomach, hands, fingers, and toes) can be treated.  Do you have a different area of concern?  Please feel free to ask me.


Freedom is what beauty feels like when it can most express itself.
— Jacqueline Novogratz


Almost all areas of the body can be subject to unwelcome hair growth.  For women, the unwanted hair on commonly visible areas, like the face, usually takes priority.

Hair growth in the chin, upper lip, jaw, and throat areas is usually caused by hormones, whether imbalanced or not.  Genetics and medications can also cause excess hair on the face and on body areas such as the chest, breasts, and abdomen.

All areas of the face, chin, upper lip, sides of face, hairline, and eyebrows (except for inner nose and inner ears) can be treated.  Most body areas including armpits, bikini area, stomach, breasts, fingers and toes can also be treated.  If you have an area of concern that has not been mentioned, please don't hesitate to ask.  Nearly all body areas can be successfully treated with excellent results.

Credits:  American Electrology Association

Credits:  American Electrology Association



  • 15 minutes    $45

  • 30 minutes    $55

  • 45 minutes    $70

  • 60 minutes    $80

  • 90 minutes    $135

  • 120 minutes  $160



Some hairs will need more than one treatment. There will be a constant, gradual decrease in the growth of hair in the area until it has all been permanently removed. The amount of treatment required to achieve permanent removal of all the hair differs with each person and area. 

Permanent hair removal depends on the skill, accuracy and judgment of a skilled electrologist -- results are only as good as your technician.


Consistency is the key to success.